December 2, 2014

Whenever Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson feels the need to race-bait, he inevitably runs to Sean Hannity. Who better to offer a broad shoulder to cry on about the mean black people?

Monday night was no exception. Chief Jackson, who insists he will not resign or be fired but also claims he's all about "healing," went on Hannity's show to point fingers at Mike Brown's stepfather.


Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson told Sean Hannity tonight that the police department is “pursuing” an investigation into whether explosive comments by Michael Brown‘s stepfather incited a riot. You may recall that Louis Head had a rather angry reaction to the Ferguson grand jury decision, screaming “Burn this motherfucker down! Burn this bitch down!”

In a segment focused on prosecuting people who vandalized and caused chaos in Ferguson last week, Hannity asked Jackson, “Do you believe those comments should be pursued? Is that inciting a riot?” Jackson said, “We are pursuing those comments.”

Hannity also asked about finding and arresting everyone who vandalized and looted that night. Jackson assured that everyone responsible for destruction will be brought to justice.

Free speech is only for white people, right? And it doesn't incite riots or anything because just look at all the free speech the white supremacists engage in freely without any cop "pursuing those comments."

How much more in-your-face can they get?

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