Bought And Paid For...
Today, we'll take a look at the ill-effects of the far-too-cozy relationship between Big Business and our Elected Officials from the Local to the Federal level.
First, Mike Flannigan at Welcome Back To Pottersville has updated his assessment of the Affordable Care Act. He outlines how "We Were Had" at every stop on the Bill's trek to signing, and we still deserve better.
Next, Mustang Bobby Cramer at Bark Bark Woof Woof notices that ALEC and Big Energy Lobbyists' funding of Republican state Attorneys General campaigns has netted control of 27 Attorneys General. A majority from which we shouldn't expect much good for the environment.
Erik Loomis at Lawyers, Guns & Money has a fantastic piece about how America's Big Food Retailers, seeking profits, have created some of the worst working conditions in the history of the United States, but we don't see it, because it's happening in Mexico.
Finally, cookie jill at skippy the bush kangaroo documents the environmental atrocities in her weekly "environmental news stories sunday" round-up.
Round up by Monkeyfister. Send tips to mbru AT crooksandliars DOT com with “For MBRU” in the subject line.