Fox and Friends evokes a straw man argument: which candidate should Democrats fear most, which infers that the candidates in the Republican clown car are formidable opponents. Conservative strategist from Carolina Rising, Dallas Woodhouse and his brother Brad, a Democratic strategist who helps run the super PAC American Bridge appeared with Steve Doocy for some spirited debate about how great Republicans are and how humiliating the Democrats are by comparison.

Dallas receives roughly 1 minute and 45 seconds of airtime, while Doocy, who introduced Brad as "Hillary Fundraiser," two times, only allowed him 30 seconds to refute the insanity spewed by his brother. Right out of the gate, Dallas claimed that Hillary is the candidate with whom the Democrats should concern themselves.
"Hillary has turned out to be the candidate who is stale, moldy and unprepared," and she's been in the race for over "forty years."
He actually believes that Scott Walker has a "compelling narrative" and Jeb Bush, "is raising a lot of money," so that makes them a force to be reckoned with. He says that Ted Cruz had an impressive campaign launch, so he must be a legitimate threat. Rand Paul is said to announce his candidacy in the very near future.
Dallas believes that Rand Paul's "worldview may not be fitting the world as a lot of people see it." That's because, if you're a Republican, you must share the worldview of Boehner's hero, Bibi Netanyahu. Never mind Jesus' peaceful message, perpetual war is the only way to go. Rand Paul's gotta prove that "he'd nuke a Muslim country if we have to."
His more level-headed brother, Brad, incredulous over the nuke comment, says,
"thank God you're not running for president."
Brad says he feels that Ted Cruz and Rand Paul are the most under-estimated thus far, while Ted Cruz is, by far, the best public speaker in the G.O.P.
There's a new controversy that undoubtedly proves that Republicans face unprecedented scrutiny and Scott Walker is the victim. Politifact is addressing the issue that Walker claimed to buy a sweater for $1.00 with his Kohl's Cash. Doocy claims that Democrats never face such invasive inquisition, completely forgetting the whole Hillary Clinton email scandal. Doocy fails to mention that Politifact found this claim to be true. Walker did say he used his
"Kohl’s Cash" -- a coupon of sorts that is generated based on how much a customer purchased in an earlier visit to the store. Thus, he could have easily gotten one for $1 out-of-pocket. We rate the claim True.
Doocy discusses his wife's habit of using Kohl's Cash, so how could he possibly be lying? Kohl's actually has a history with Scott Walker so this is not surprising.
It's so odd that President Obama's integrity is always in question, while Jeb Bush's entire secret email account is hardly worth a mention. When this infomercial for the great Republican Party was about over, Doocy promised Brad more airtime next time. Just another day at the "Fair and Balanced" network, where they are required to railroad the Democratic guest.