Brad explains the remark to Republican Brother, Dallas, who doesn't understand that Hillary's remarks only offend those in deplorable circles.
September 13, 2016

Nobody misconstrues the true meaning of the logical sequence of words spoken by Democrats more deceptively and effectively than a Republican strategist. In fact, that's what they are paid to do; to give their opinions on these opponents, because who's better to deceive the public than a silver-tongued charlatan who is well-versed in misinformation? If the words of Democrats, like Secretary Clinton, were taken at face value and not intentionally contorted as malevolent, they would resonate with far more people. Republicans can't allow that to happen, as they are currently battling a superior candidate, much more qualified than the Drümpenführer.

Fox and Friends' Steve Doocy interviewed Democratic Strategist Brad Woodhouse and his Republican Brother, Dallas Woodhouse about the 'Basket of Deplorables' comment Hillary made on Sept. 9th at a private fundraiser. The GOP strategist. Dallas. had much more time to state his case while Brad, like Hillary at the Commander in Chief Forum, was constantly interrupted before he could finish a single sentence. This is hardly a surprise to anyone who watches the MSM these days.

Doocy attempts a false equivalence by comparing this basket of deplorables comment with Willard Romney's 47% remark that helped unravel his campaign so effectively. He barely gets out his first sentence and then is interrupted by both Doocy and his Republican Brother. He leads the GOP guest with his very partisan first remark, which left out the first part of her comment which said, "to be grossly generalistic."

DOOCY: How bad is this 'Basket of Deplorables' comment for Hillary Clinton (which assumes it was a mistake, which it was not, and the data supports her veracity on this matter).

DALLAS WOODHOUSE: ...and according to Hillary Clinton, the country that elected Barack Obama twice in the last eight years became a country of 50-100 million racists. meanwhile she has her Weekend at Bernie's moment. where she's being drug around.. She detests people like me who live in Raleigh.

Doocy chimes in and says 'you're deplorable, no doubt about it,' which reaffirms the

BRAD WOODHOUSE: This is the fakest controversy I've ever seen.

DOOCY: Brad, Stop! Was it fake when Mitt Romney had his 47% moment?

BRAD WOODHOUSE: Let me explain, when Mitt Romney made his 47% comment, he didn't express any empathy or sympathy for the people he was talking about, he said they were 'gaming the system.' They were taking advantage of the system. And he wrote them off. What Hillary Clinton said in the second half, which you didn't play, there are many voters....*then Doocy interrupts!

DOOCY: That was in the talking points memo, she said blame the press essentially (she did?) She said she regretted saying half, who knows if she meant more or less than that.

This is another example of Fox 'News' trying to suppress a fact-based opinion with their false narrative that Hillary Clinton is unfairly insulting regular people; when in fact, she was justly calling out the racist element that clearly supports Herr Drumpf. The lies will continue in perpetuity until the GOP is driven to the sea, not likely to happen any time soon.

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