As if we didn't have the internet, the Sunday Shows, as well as many other weekly shows, are STILL discussing the fraudulently produced Planned Parenthood video as if it is a veritable source of information. It's unbelievable even after several sources have debunked the video and shown it to be sensationalist by way of creative editing. This is no shock when the person who's responsible is friends with that deplorable James O'Keefe.
We know the video has been deceptively edited.
At one point in the unedited video (which was also released by the group), Nucatola (the alleged culprit) says: “Affiliates are not looking to make money by doing this. They’re looking to serve their patients and just make it not impact their bottom line.”
Nucatola also says, “No one’s going to see this as a money making thing.” And at another point, she says, “Our goal, like I said, is to give patients the option without impacting our bottom line. The messaging is this should not be seen as a new revenue stream, because that’s not what it is.”
The creator of the video, by the way, is a group called Center for Medical Progress, run by a guy named David Daleiden, which is an anti-abortion group. In essence, they edited the video to match some of what she said above to the cost of careful transport of fetal material (which is highly regulated) to actually charging for fetal organs, which is total bullshit. They NEVER said that. But here we are, on Sunday, a week after this has been debunked and these people are praising the video's veracity.
The Meet The Press Panel decided it was important to refer to the video as if it were undeniably true because Rand Paul decided he wanted a rare Sunday vote to defund Planned Parenthood. So, apparently, since Baby Paul wants to debate the "issue" it must be a real issue. Amy Walter tried to explain, futilely, that they weren't selling body parts. Ex Bush W.H. Political Director, Sara Fagen was undoubtedly certain of the veracity of the video.
Chuck moved on to José Díaz-Balart. He claimed the video prevented people who are either vehemently pro-choice or pro-forced birth because of the visceral nature of the subject matter. Then comes Ron Fournier. And it was worse than I imagined.
'When we have a video like this, it makes it impossible for Americans to have the kind of emotional and political distance, the psychological distance from abortion that Planned Parenthood has to have.'
Then Chuckles talks about the unifying nature of this video for Republicans, even if it is totally fraudulent. He asks Amy if this is the end of Planned Parenthood, as if they should be shutdown because of a fraud.
Sara Fagen said some more awful things and José claims it's just a visceral issue, once again, because of the content of the video. Chuckles finishes off with by claiming we'll see more of these types of (bullshit) videos because 'the end justifies the means.' No one even dared explain the disqualifying edit job because, both sides. And Chuck is getting more hours on MSNBC?