Hillary Rallies The Asian Community While Jeb Alienates Them
Lisa ChangadevjaCredit: Hillary For America
August 27, 2015

The same folks who are salivating over the Planned Parenthood fake videos that were proven to be 100% false are, of course, still at it. Hillary Clinton hires an American of Thai descent and they lose their minds because she worked for Planned Parenthood. The Washington Free Beacon has their own beyond obnoxious way of wording it:

Announcement comes as organ-harvesting scandal deepens

The Clinton campaign announced on Tuesday that it hired Lisa Changadveja, a former Planned Parenthood official. Changadveja took a job with the embattled abortionist after serving as a regional field director for Clinton’s failed 2008 run and deputy field director for Gov. Bill Bennett of Colorado during his successful gubernatorial campaign in 2010.

Really? The embattled abortionist? The scandal deepens? Naturally, not one shred of proof for their bullshit scandal is given, where more legitimate medical groups like The New England Journal of Medicine have lent PP their support that nothing untoward was committed by the women's health agency. It's typical Matthew Continetti lies, funded, of course, by daddy in law, Bloody Bill Kristol. Is anyone surprised?

Continetti, the editor of the conservative tabloid is also the author of a book that idolizes Sarah Palin: The Persecution of Sarah Palin: How the Elite Media Tried to Bring Down a Rising Star. Because it wasn't her proclivity for vomiting word salad at the world, it was a liberal conspiracy, right Matty? Spare us.

In this case, Hillary's choice, Lisa Changadveja has a wide outreach to the Asian and Pacific Islander community, which voted heavily for Obama in Blue States, but not so much in the South.

"Lisa knows the Asian American and Pacific Islander community," said Irene Bueno, a member of the Asian American Justice Center's National Advisory Council, in a statement. "From working with Lisa throughout the years, one thing I've learned is that she will continue to be a voice for so many in the community on a number (of) issues like immigration."

Changadveja's appointment comes on the very day that the Asian-American vote is under sharp focus, in light of comments made by GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush about Asian "birth tourism" in the debate over the use of the controversial term "anchor babies."

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