Steve Doocy begins the interview with Wisconsin Governor and 'uniter' Scott Walker by explaining Donald Trump's comprehensive immigration reform plan. You know, build the wall, deport the living shit out of millions of migrants, unite families then ship them out, yeah, stuff that's TERRIFIC. So what does Walker say? He says he largely agrees with Trump, but he's not all that familiar with the specifics of his plan. But rest assured, folks, he's just as heartless and delusional as the Donald.
After promising to have some pork chops on a stick later today at the Iowa State Fair, he claimed that his immigration plan, which he divulged 4-5 months earlier on FNS, is very much similar to what Trump is promising. Doocy asked if he's giving Trump's plan 'a thumbs up,' he said that he doesn't, once again, know what's in Trump's plan. But wait, he's been to the border, before Trump even, so he's the expert. Duh! He met with supreme asshole Governor Abbott and saw things at the border, so case closed on that subject.
Doocy then explains that Trump gets his military advice from 'watching a lot of television shows, and listening to the generals he sees there.' So he throws a softball set up to Walker for a homer.
DOOCY: Where do you get your military advice?
WALKER: Well my national security adviser is a guy, is a Marine by the name Mike Gallagher, he's been with me since the very beginning. We've now assembled a team. We talked to a lot of those same generals, but we talked to them one on one (take that, Donald!), General Haight, General Keane (wants war with Putin), and General Mattis, and Ambassador Bolton (war with Iran).
Next on the agenda was some Hillary bashing. Doocy and Walker both believe she is disqualified due to the email server non-scandal. They found her joke about 'Snap Chat' to be offensive, because having a sense of humor about the stupidity of the GOP is no laughing matter. Walker declares that Hillary is either
'illegal or she is incompetent, and that disqualifies her from winning the presidency.'
Sounds like someone is grasping at straws, glad there's plenty of hay up in Iowa today for Scotty boy.