January 11, 2016

Fox News' Jeanine Pirro ended her show the other night with a novel question to her viewers.

"Should we have the death penalty for ISIS-inspired violence," Pirro asked. As if there is somehow a distinction between ISIS-inspired violence and say, white supremacist-inspired violence.

The responses she got from her nutty viewers were predictable.

Josephine said, "They aren't afraid to kill us, so why should we be afraid to give them the death penalty?"

"We've got a few guns down here in Texas, and more than happy to handle it!," writes Kevin.

There was one reasonable comment, however. Kimberly said, "Don't get ahead of yourselves. Everyone deserves a fair trial. Let the courts decide."

Well, Pirro was having none of that.

"Hey Kimberly," she huffed. "I drafted legislation all the time to increase sentences for punishment. The courts are the ones that implement the laws that we draft."

Pirro forgot to mention that there are federal laws on the books right now imposing the death penalty for certain capital crimes.

Returning to viewer mail, Al says, "Why waste taxpayer money holding them in prison. They'd kill us in a heartbeat."

Pirro had an answer for that too. "Hey Al," she shrieked, "And if we held them in prison Obama would let them out!"

To be clear here, the pronouns "they" and "them" apply to anyone who committed an "ISIS-inspired act," suggesting that they would have to be Muslims in order to qualify for this super-duper special lack of due process and summary execution.

The same punishment does not appear to be contemplated by the "Judge" for white guys who kill black people praying. Just so we're all clear here.

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