Seriously, this is an hour of television that would be worth every viewing minute, even if they charged to watch it.
Wayne LaPierre released the video at the top today, challenging the President to a one-hour debate, mano a mano.
I'd pay to watch President Obama make mincemeat of the guy, wouldn't you?
A couple of notes about the NRA video above. They appear to have darkened the video to make President Obama look blacker. Here's a screen grab:

The focus of LaPierre's aggravation is on the poor, poor gun sellers and how terribly onerous it will be for them to run background checks. Forget the dead people, just think of those enterprising gun dealers and by extension, the manufacturers.
Finally, as Media Matters notes, La Pierre should debate the 1999 Wayne La Pierre, who stood tall for universal background checks back then.
"No loopholes anywhere, for anyone," La Pierre said. Today? Not so much.