Ryan went on the show and proceeded to place all the world's woe at Obama's feet. Ryan blamed Obama for not fixing the economy the Republicans ruined fast enough. No nuclear war happening in the Middle East - damn you, Obama! Grandma not being forced to choose between food, medicine or her home was clearly another one of Obama's many failures, according to Ryan.
Ryan also complained about how there are just too many regulations, especially on the energy business. Somehow, he didn't volunteer the news that his family benefits when the energy company benefits. Or that his extended family benefits even more.
But don't worry, Ryan knows just the cures to all these woes - elect a Republican president! Then they'll be able to give all the tax breaks they want to Big Energy or any other business. They will be finally able to make Grandma out of the mindset that she gets to have her food and take her medicine too.
Oh, life will be grand when the Republicans control everything! Just look how well it's working in Wisconsin!
Because to err is human, but to really screw things up requires a Republican!