John Oliver takes on the GOP primary in his own inimitable style.
via Raw Story
Following up on his highly popular #MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain segment last week — that racked up over 19 million views on YouTube — Last Week Tonight host John Oliver once again took on GOP front-runner Donald Trump on Sunday night.
Unsurprisingly, he took square aim at the battle of insults between Trump and rival Marco Rubio over the size of Trump’s penis.
According to Oliver, it was the main topic of the past week’s ongoing GOP “Clowntown F*ck-the-World Sh*tshow 2016.”
After showing clips of Rubio starting off with the size-of-hands-equals-penis joke and Trump responding, Oliver cut to the heart of the matter.
“That’s right,” Oliver stated, “Donald Trump just talked about his dick during a presidential debate A dick which I presume looks like a Cheeto with the cheese dust rubbed off!”