In the video above, Irish people react to Donald Trump. But it's not just the Irish. The Hill reports foreign governments are freaking out and the lobbyists they've hired to represent their interests in Washington (yeah) are hearing the anxiety:
Lobbyists in Washington say they are being flooded with questions and concerns from [their clients,] foreign governments about the rise of Donald Trump.
The Hill conducted interviews with more than a half-dozen lobbyists, many of whom said they are grappling with how to explain Trump and his unusual foreign policy views to clients who have a lot riding on their relationship with the United States.
A... lobbyist who represents countries in Latin America, Asia and the Muslim world said... Trump [is] a “wild card” for leaders around the world.
“Nobody knows whether he believes anything of what he says because he’s changed his position so many times,” the lobbyist said.
The world has been able to compartmentalize the Fox News/Rush Limbaugh wing of the GOP as long as their power is limited to the Congress. The same is true of our own media. Now that Trump is claiming he can win the White House and therefore America's foreign policy for these bozos, the world can no longer write off the ignorant xenophobia that is the Republican base.