March 19, 2016

This is just the coolest thing. You can watch these bald eagles, named "Mr. President" and "The First Lady" on two live cams at this link.

After "Mr. President" and "The First Lady" raised one eaglet successfully in 2015, the 501(c)3 American Eagle Foundation partnered with the National Arboretum to install and stream two high definition video cameras from the top of the nest tree. The cameras are powered completely by a large mobile solar array that was designed and built by Alfred State College, SUNY College of Technology and was partially funded by the Department of Energy and Environment.

"The First Lady" laid her first egg of 2016 on February 10th, and laid her second egg on February 14th early in the morning. Both parents will carefully incubate the eggs, and both eggs are expected to hatch about 35 days after being laid.

One has hatched already. They take turns sitting on the nest.

Please note, as the website mentions:

This is a wild eagle nest and anything can happen. While we hope that two healthy juvenile eagles will end up fledging from the nest this summer, things like sibling rivalry, predators, and natural disaster can affect this eagle family and may be difficult to watch.

h/t Politico on Tumblr. Open thread below....

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