It's no secret that Donald Trump is a dangerous narcissist with an affinity for perfidy and hyperbole. The countless examples of his grandstanding are too numerous for one post. The objective of this article is to identify, categorize and disprove Trump's five most hyperbolic claims, in an attempt to centralize the various subsets of his mendacity.
We assume that if you're reading this, you are among the many concerned Americans who want to prevent a monumentally disastrous election outcome. It is our duty to eviscerate Drumpf's presidential aspirations because he would imperil the safety of millions of people not just in America, but anywhere on the planet. Any single one of these five fallacies would portend the demise of a standard candidate. But this man seems to be the exception to all the rules, as this list demonstrates.
- He's displayed impressive business acumen
- He is a paragon of virtue and ethics
- He is a genuinely religious man who loves and understands The (Christian) Bible
- He wants to Make America Great Again and loves this country
- He is an especially charitable billionaire
Donald Trump has been wildly successful in intimidating Corporate Media to be complicit in and avoid a true scrutiny of his ever more flamboyant claims. The majority of mainstream media has so greatly failed to inform the American people and admittedly so. With only three months before the GOP Convention, it is time to pull all these pieces together to demonstrate convincingly that this wanna-be emperor has no clothes.
A few serious articles have surfaced but each has narrowed its focus on one aspect of his life or career. Here we will expound on the aforementioned five claims to fame by this Talking Yam (h/t Charlie Pierce).
I) He's displayed impressive business acumen
Multiple financial experts have pointed out that had he simply invested his inheritance in the NYSE's Common Index Funds he would have hurt far less people and been far wealthier. And remember Trump has filed for Bankruptcy FOUR times to date. Lest anyone forget the fiasco that was Trump University, as that matter is far from litigated.
The Verdict: No, not such a genius. That is unless you think that raking in personal profits on failed ventures, while making sure multiple bankruptcies don’t eat away at one's personal wealth is a metric of success.
II) He is a paragon of virtue and ethics
How can thrice-married Donald trump claim to have an upstanding moral compass? Does a 40-year history of demeaning and objectifying women qualify as high-minded and principled? Does committing adultery over and over, while revealing your blatant misogyny count as exemplary behavior?
The Verdict: “Do as I say not as I do” is clearly Trump’s credo.
III) He is a genuinely religious man who loves and understands The (Christian) Bible
The exact denomination of Christianity that Donald Trump prefers is widely debated and far from settled. He also lacks one of the basic tenets of Christianity: he's never sought forgiveness. Lord knows he never apologizes for any of his insensitive comments.
The Verdict: His church is the Church of The Donald, home of "2 Corinthians." Nuff said!
IV) He wants to Make America Great Again because he loves this country
He lied about why he did not serve in the Vietnam War then compared his stint in a military academy to true military service, showing a flippant insensitivity to real military veterans. Would a true veteran boast that as POTUS, he would authorize the use of torture by the US Military and violate both the Geneva Convention and the US Code of Military Conduct? Of course not.

V) He is an especially charitable billionaire
Trump the “Billionaire” says he does so much charitable giving? Ah, but compared to other peers, does he really? Actually, not so much. The fact is, he's a parsimonious cheapskate.
Nobody should forget the highly publicized fundraiser for Veterans on January 28, 2016. The charitable outcome of the event did not help any veterans. It turns out the money went to his own foundation and barely 1% of Trump’s foundation’s donations went to organizations that support veterans.
He loans himself money so he can be repaid by other donations. It's laughable that he claims to be self-funded, especially with billions of dollars in free media coverage, who needs funding?
The Verdict: The Largest Beneficiary of the Trump Foundation is...Donald J. Trump!
His personality reads exactly like a few textbook psychiatric disorders. The whole dysfunctional enchilada can be found in detail here.
Donald Trump is nothing more than an epic failure and con artist. Is Emperor Trump really naked? It sure appears that way.
SPECIAL THANKS to tireless progressive warrior,Sue In Rockville, the co-author of this article.