Ed. Note: This post is by Holly Fussell, digital director for Grayson 2016
My parents didn’t allow me to listen to Depeche Mode when I was growing up. I was raised in an extremely conservative, Southern Baptist household, and while most songs with the word “Jesus” in the title were encouraged, Depeche Mode’s “Personal Jesus” was strictly forbidden.
As you probably can guess, I haven’t remained entirely true to my religious, right-wing upbringing. I don’t know what my family feared more: that I’d start listening to Depeche Mode, or that I’d support bold, progressive Democrats like Congressman Alan Grayson. And I’m really hoping they aren’t on Alan Grayson’s e-mail list, because I’m getting ready to encourage you to do just that – support Alan Grayson for Senate.
Our good friend Howie Klein over at Blue America PAC is offering up the platinum album for Depeche Mode’s “Violator” album (featuring the song “Personal Jesus”) to the one lucky supporter who gives the 100,000th contribution online to Alan Grayson during this election cycle. And we are very, very close to that right now, so it could be you. Chip in $18.27 (our average online contribution), or whatever you can afford, for your chance to win this piece of music history, and (bonus!) elect a Senator with Guts.

And how special is Alan Grayson? Well, only one of him was ever made. And with the GOP cutting funding for science, we still have no way to clone him.
So this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to win your own rare platinum album, and get this rare Congressman with Guts elected to the U.S. Senate, all with just one modest contribution from you. And if you grew up like me, and you win the Depeche Mode platinum album, you can add this further bonus: pissing off your whole family.
Holly Fussell
Digital Director
Grayson 2016