Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski ducked and dodged when pressed by Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace on whether he would be willing to apologize to Breitbart "reporter" Michelle Fields:
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump's campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, who was accused of grabbing the arm of a reporter during a campaign event, dodged a question on Sunday about whether he'd be willing to apologize to Michelle Fields.
"To apologize to someone I've never spoken to ... is a little unrealistic right now," Lewandowski said in an interview on "Fox News Sunday."
Lewandowski said he'd be happy to have a conversation with the former Breitbart reporter but said he'd never spoken with her.
He also said he had tried to call Fields but never heard back.
Lewandowski said the entire incident lasted just a few seconds, noting he would have remembered the interaction if he tried to violently throw someone to the ground.
"I didn't remember the incident," he said. "The whole incident lasted less than three seconds. It was me moving from one location to another location."
The state has decided not to prosecute Lewandowski, but Fields may still seek defamation charges against him. It seems Lewandowski has been taking a few lessons from his boss when it comes to the refusing to admit you've ever done anything wrong department.