Hillary Clinton Wins Puerto Rico Primary
Hillary Clinton speaks in Oxnard, June 4, 2016Credit: Karoli Kuns
June 5, 2016

Hillary Clinton has won the Puerto Rico primary, putting her within striking distance of the Democratic nomination, with just a handful of primaries left on the calendar.

According to ABC News and the Associated Press, Clinton needs 30 more delegates to reach 2,383, or a majority of superdelegates and pledged delegates combined.

Clinton has 1,807 pledged delegates won in primaries and caucuses; Sanders has 1,516. A majority of pledged delegates is 2,026. When superdelegates are added in, Clinton has 2,355 to Sanders' 1,562, 28 short of the 2,383 needed to win the nomination.

California, Montana, New Jersey, South Dakota, North Dakota and New Mexico have primaries this Tuesday. Washington, D.C. will hold their primary on June 14th.

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