June 9, 2016

Fox News continues to bring on well respected and highly intelligent political analysts to discuss Election 2016. Kidding! Yesterday, Greta Van Susteren welcomed esteemed political commentator, Joe Wurzelbacher, a.k.a. "Joe the Plumber," to her show 'On the Record With Greta Van Susteren.'

Joe, as you may remember, came to the national spotlight during the 2008 election, when he asked then Democratic nominee, Barack Obama, about his tax policies regarding small businesses. The McCain/Palin team latched on to Joe as representative of the typical small business owner and the Fox paraded him around like a pretty show dog.

Capitalizing on his sudden notoriety, Joe became an outspoken conservative activist, commentator, author and motivational speaker, per Wikipedia.. He also decided to take a chance at a political career himself, running for a seat in the Ohio House of Representatives as a Republican. He lost that race, only earning 23% of the vote.

Now he is back, folks! And shocker of all shockers, he is a Trump supporter.

He says he has "always followed [Trump] and Ted Cruz...ultimately Trump won out. I really look forward to what he can do as President.

GRETA: Do you REALLY like Trump or are you taking him because he won out?

JOE: I really like Trump because he says what is on his mind, kind of like, um, me. He doesn't worry about what the media says, he doesn't worry about what other people think, he speaks his mind and the American people, that's really tapped into a lot of American's, they are tired of politics as usual. You know, Donald Trump is a threat to politics as usual. The appeal is outstanding out there. I've talked to a lot of people and they love the fact that he is not politically correct, that he throws caution to the wind and that's what scares the politicians.

GRETA: Who's gonna be the Vice Presidential nominee on either ticket? Let me toss is to you?

(nervous laughter)

JOE: You know, Donald Trump is definitely not running your average race and so it's really going to probably shock a lot of people who he picks. I couldn't even hazard a guess. I am just looking for him to grab the Bernie supporters out there and bringing them into the fold and really burying Hillary Clinton.

GRETA: What does he have to do to get the Bernie supporters?

JOE: The young voters out there, they aren't stupid but they are impressionable and that is one of the reasons Bernie Sanders was able to gain such traction. When these young voters have grown up on Hillary Clinton, and all they have heard is scandals, compromise, corruption, and lying...you know, with Trump, on the other hand, they've seen him the last 15 or 20 years on Celebrity Apprentice, they associate words with Donald Trump, like "winner, businessman, successful, speaking his mind"

Oh yeah, those Celebrity Apprentice episodes will win over Sanders supporters big-time. Everybody knows millennials love it when a reality TV show fake-fires LaToya Jackson.

And how adorable that Joe the Plumber forgot to mention these Trump words: bankruptcy, divorce, cheating, misogynist, tax fraud, failed businessman, racist, mob ties, bully, orange faced, toupee, tiny baby hands, loser. He'll be reminded of that "loser" one in November, though.

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