Donald Trump took a question at a New Hampshire town hall meeting today that was eerily reminiscent of John McCain's town hall with the supporter who thought Obama was a Muslim. Suffice it to say, he had a different answer for her than McCain did.
The woman asked a question about Homeland Security and jobs.
"Why aren't we putting our military retirees in TSA," a woman in the audience asked.
"Get rid of all these heebie-jobbies they wear at TSA! I've seen them myself," she insisted.
The "heebie-jobbie" reference is, presumably, to TSA workers who wear hijabs on the job, which is a protected right under the right-wing RFRA and the First Amendment. Too bad no one explained that to her in any detail. Instead, she barreled right on.
Suggesting that the government "take" retired veterans and put them in the TSA screening bags and passengers, she dug in. "They've fought for this country and defended it. They'll still do it."
Trump's response? Can you guess?
"We're looking at that."
Apparently the only "patriots" this woman has encountered wear AR-15s and fatigues. No heebie-jobbies for them!