Let's not forget that Ana Navarro is a Republican consultant. She is brought on by Republican candidates to engender outreach to the Latino community by the Republican Party. Donald Trump has just screwed her entire career as a campaign consultant nine ways to Sunday. There will be no more outreach to Latinos because of this convention, and Ana Navarro has every reason to be furious about that.
By now most of you have watched her passionate take down of Trump's speech last night. But she also had some words about the convention in general and Thursday night's speaker's roster specifically. Emphasis added:
"....what they did today, on the final night of this convention, putting Joe Arpaio on in prime time... Sheriff Joe Arpaio, for Latinos, for immigrants, for most of us? That guy is less popular than the Zika carrying mosquito. For them to do that was a slap in the face to Black Americans, to Hispanics in this country, it just tells me, he's not interested in us. He can eat all the taco bowls he wants. He did nothing but talk about illegal immigration in that speech...
...he could have found one positive thing to say about immigrants in America. I think this speech...it did a lot to energize his base, it did nothing to grow his base. "
So sorry, Ana Navarro, you're going to have to live off of your CNN paycheck from now on. No amount of work you might do will bring Latinos and Hispanics back to the GOP.