Donald Trump and his campaign are floating phony conspiracy theories on Hillary Clinton's health, which is being billed as Hillary Health Truthers, but it's now also spurring medical doctor's like Dr. Sanjay Gupta, to take a closer look at Donald Trump's medical condition as well.
Chris Cillizza writes: How Donald Trump Made His Doctor’s odd letter news again"
When Dr. Bornstein made public his findings, it was pretty laughable at the time, especially the language he used, but the debates were upon us and it fell out of the news cycle.
However, Dr. Gupta joined CNN's News Day this morning and had a lot of problems with the letter, the language and the doctor's supposed qualifications.
After Trump was exposed as making believe he was a PR guy named John Miller, you have to wonder if Trump supplied some of the text in Bornstein's letter.
Over the last fifteen years, I've met with an inordinately high number of doctors from many different institutions and in my experience, I've never seen anyone of them use the type of language contained in Trump's letter.
They use medical terms, not hyperbole like, "healthiest individual ever elected."
Gupta said, "It was the language of this letter that I thought was quite surprising. It wasn't written the way many typical medical letters are written."
Cuomo asked if using a gastroenterologist was unusual. Gupta wasn't as concerned with that because gastroenterologists are medically trained, but again, he had problems with the language in the letter.
Cuomo replied, "Astonishingly excellent - healthiest individual ever elected."
Gupta said, " How do you know that? How would you, that's unknowable. Certainly one as part doctor, one part historian. These types of things, that type of hyperbole typically isn't used. Strength and stamina being astonishingly excellent? .None of that objective data was in the letter."
Cuomo continued, "His physical strength and stamina are extraordinary."
This is creepy and unprofessional and no doctor would ever write those words. It sounds to me like Trump dictated these words and Bornstein incorporated them into his letter.
Unless of course, Dr. Bornstein is a Mini-Trump?
Cuomo asked, "Why should we question any of this? Just because it doesn't sound like what you usually hear?"
Gupta replied, "Yes, I think, in part, it's the language. When you start using this type of hyperbolic language -- you know, we like to back things up with data. Doctors and journalists always want to get more information, certainly. But here, you have a lot of language without a lot of substance to back it up."
Here's the letter that Dr. Bornstein sent:

Does that read like any doctor you've ever encountered?