Sunday night’s town-hall debate is hours away. Meanwhile, new revelations about Donald Trump’s behavior - his conduct, not just his words - remind us that Republicans have not learned anything from “Faust.”
Crooks and Liars wants to ensure that viewers enjoy tonight’s debate and learn from it. Here are 10 significant questions undecided voters can ask the Republican nominee - a man who, according to his own recorded admissions, might have repeatedly committed criminal sexual abuse.
Each of these questions is exhaustively researched, rigorously designed, and focus-group-tested* to evoke a measured and thoughtful response from Mr. Trump.
- What lullaby does Vladimir Putin sing to you when he tucks you in at night?
- What are your 10 largest tax deductions in descending order of bigliness?
- How many good jobs will your infantile narcissism return to America?
- Given a second chance, which of your first two wives would you cheat on, and why?
- Of your six corporate bankruptcies, which was most financially rewarding?
- What key demographic has been most entertained by your predatory misogyny?
- Which overseas sweatshop that makes Trump-branded products has the highest profit-to-cost margin?
- Does your Third Wives Club with Giuliani, Gingrich, and Bannon publish an online newsletter to which I can subscribe?
- Which loan from your dad saved your business career?
- Who is your favorite genocidal dictator?
BONUS ROUND QUESTION #11: “Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?”
* ”Focus-group-tested” = “not tested in or on any actual focus group.” No focus group members were harmed in the design and production of this list of questions.
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