Black Jeopardy is the hilarious SNL sketch that features two Black contestants against one unsuspecting and clueless White player. It was comedy gold. Tom Hanks played Doug, a Trump supporter who was sporting a Make America Great Again hat and an American Flag T-shirt.
Host Kenan Thompson (Darnell Hayes), Sasheer Zamata (Keeley) and Leslie Jones (Shanice) were going along as usual with categories like MM...I don't know and You better!
Doug surprised the host and the other contestants by ringing in to provide the question to the 'They out there sayin' answer. Hayes reads,
They out there sayin' the new iPhone wants your thumbprint for your protection.'
Doug replies 'What is, I don't think so, that's how they get you.' Hayes is ecstatic and shocked that he got that right, and after Keeley and Shanice nod in concurrence, Doug says,
I hear that goes straight to the government.
They were all getting along so well, until Darnell revealed the Final Black Jeopardy category: Lives That Matter. Doug got quite the look from his fellow contestants

"It was good while it lasted," said the host.
This was the best satire of the whole show. Turns out Trump populists have more in common with Black Americans than they will ever admit, especially economic struggle.