Uh oh! Buyers' remorse at Trump Headquarters!
The author of the following message is being kept anonymous, but apparently they attended an expensive Trump fundraising event, and were emailed pictures of the event as a "Thank You."
The reply is short and eye-popping:
I cannot express my disappointment enough regarding the recent events surrounding Mr. Trump.
I fear that his campaign will assure a victory for Mrs. Clinton with disastrous consequences for the party and our country's future.
As a father of two daughters preparing for marriage, I am repulsed by his comments regarding women.
I regret coming to the Trump support event, and in particular allowing my son to be part of it.
I respectfully request that my money be refunded. I will not be downloading the photographs.
Points off for the "father of two daughters" canard -- no woman should be treated the way Trump has treated women regardless of which man they are related to -- but this letter points to a larger "buyers remorse" that is clearly hitting the Trump Train.
I do not feel sorry for someone who gave a big check to Trump for President. Get in line behind all those Trump University plaintiffs who lost everything to this con man.
Still, I bet Reince Priebus and the RNC wish they could get THEIR money back, too.