Angry Trump Supporter Curses Out NBC Reporter At Trump Tower
November 11, 2016

As NBC's Cal Perry was interviewing a protestor during an anti-Trump rally Thursday night, a women wearing a Trump shirt interrupted the interview and launched into a profanity laced tirade against the media.

When the protestor tried to explain to her what a "bigot" means, she really went off.

“You don’t include the fact that we have an awesome, an awesome president now who took a step down from unappreciative motherf-----s,” the woman yelled.

Perry, the network’s senior news editor, asked the woman to identify herself.

“You’re not getting my name, you’re getting a f--- you,” replied the woman, who was wearing a Trump-Pence T-shirt under her jacket

The woman continually gestured at the protester Perry was interviewing, a man who was holding a sign declaring that President-elect Trump is a bigot.

“You don’t give it as it really is," she said. "You don’t give it or portray it as it really is. A good man, with a good, awesome heart that travelled the world feeding the kids.

"You f------ motherf-----!” she continued.

“Thank you,” Perry responded.

She did appear to be slightly buzzed, but she never slurred her words. She also could have been just really angry.

This is the delusional influence Trump has on his followers. He's the perfect human being who gives millions to charity by travelling around the world feeding children (???). He is a victim who is continually tarred by the media.

Trump was right about one thing, when he said, "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters."

He probably would have picked up more votes if he had.

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