MSNBC's Joy Reid tweeted this out on Wednesday.
There is no way to strategize on unacceptable candidates and policies.
And by the way, 'we the people' shouldn't have to make calls on someone as odious as Sen. Jeff Sessions for the Democratic party to renounce him.
However, I think it's a civic duty to let your voice be known so here's a number in San Francisco that you can call. 1-415-393-0707 to express your opinions on the Sessions nomination to be AG.
Karoli adds:
Democrats, especially Senate Democrats, must take a lesson from the people who gathered in unprecedented numbers last Saturday to protest this administration. This is a time for opposition, not comity. We don't care what Senate traditions are. You need to be on the record in united opposition.
Plan on NO votes for all future cabinet members. Tell us you stand with us first, not your friends in the Senate.
Update: Charlie Pierce is absolutely right:
There is only one exception at this point. Any Democratic senator who votes to confirm Jefferson Beauregard Sessions as Attorney General should immediately be rendered dead to the party and to every Democratic voter in the country. The context of the immediate moment makes this imperative.