Fox News' Bill Hemmer didn't buy the Trump administration's claims about the media coverage on terrorism and said,"Others like Paris and Nice and Orlando and San Bernardino. They got a lot of coverage. I was in Nice and Orlando. What is to suggest they were not given ample coverage here?"
Trump senior adviser Kellyanne Conway replied, "But what the president I believe is saying, Bill, is that the ones you are pointing out, we had a high number of casualties, of course got international coverage and wall-to-wall coverage as well they should have."
She was forced to admit the media was covering terrorist attacks after all.
She continued, "The rest of the list you're correct. Some you hadn't been aware of and you are a news guy so it tells you we're becoming inured to some of these attacks that don't thank god, lead to mass casualties, but still don't get the attention."
That's flat out false. The press and every ordinary American is not inured to terrorism. "Alternative facts" rule!
The Trump administration is trying to shift today's narrative away from their own ineptitude and onto a false claim to smear the media.
They should admit Trump wants the media to become Terror TV, 24/7 which it becomes after every major attack.
Conway continued, "The entire point the president is making is terrorism is real, ISIS is on the advance, they've promised -- at some point they promised to disguise themselves as refugees coming into the U.S. — so anybody who thinks that this is just an issue and a movement of terrorists fading into the background is wrong and the president wants to shine a light on that."
Kellyanne, everyone knows terrorism is real and the media is not claiming otherwise or letting the issue fade into the background. This is pure propaganda.
When you've lost Bill Hemmer on the issue you're propagating, Kellyanne, you've had a bad day.
To recap what set this off — during a stop at the U.S. Central Command headquarters in Tampa on Monday, Donald Trump said, "It's gotten to a point where it's not even being reported, and in many cases, the very, very dishonest press doesn't want to report it. They have their reasons, and you understand that."
This statement had everybody scratching their heads. Politifact rated this as a "Pants on Fire" claim by Trump.

It makes you wonder who is writing these things.
If Trump just claimed that the media is under reporting certain terrorist attacks, then at least they could argue that point, but to use a sweeping brush of to paint everything the media does on terrorism is false is criminally stupid.
As usual the standard Trump surrogates took to the airwaves to try and defend another nonsensical statement from Trump.