Jason Chaffetz, Republican representative of Utah's 3rd district and Chairman of the Oversight and Reform Committee, can always be counted on for great headlines. He's your typical Republican in that he doesn't believe in climate change, civil rights or a woman's right to healthcare. And like his fellow conservatives, he's always good for an insensitive, self-righteous comment.
His latest was not only offensive, but it also showed his ignorance and prejudice in regards to poor Americans. When asked how these Americans would pay for the increases found in the joke of a healthcare bill just released by the GOP, Chaffetz proudly exclaimed,
"Americans have choices. And they've got to make a choice. And so maybe, rather than getting that new iPhone that they just love, and they want to go spend hundreds of dollars on that, maybe they should just invest in their own healthcare."
Not only does Chaffetz assume that poor people have iPhones, but he assumes they would choose it over healthcare. He is suggesting that the reason people can't afford healthcare is because they make poor choices. No, it couldn't be that the healthcare system is simply not affordable. It couldn't be that healthcare and insurance companies spend millions on politicians like Chaffetz to keep their profits increasing. No, it has nothing to do with wages not keeping up with the cost of living. It's that poor people are too busy buying iPhones and such.
Chaffetz' quotes are fantastic for their idiocy and righteous indignation, and quite often they show just how much of a hypocrite he is, which is a huge one. To date, his most famous hypocritical moment was captured during the last election when the video surfaced of Trump stating he liked to sexually assault women, and that he could get away with it because he was a star. Chaffetz wasted no time getting in front of cameras on various networks to claim the moral high ground and state he would not endorse Trump for president.
"I'm out! I can no longer in good conscience endorse this person for president. It is some of the most abhorrent and offensive comments that you can possibly imagine. My wife and I, we have a 15 year old daughter, and if I can't look her in the eye and tell her these things, I can't endorse this person."
It took only 19 days for Chaffetz to expose himself as a hypocrite. He announced he was over his disgust and had re-endorsed Trump. Apparently, he looked his daughter in the eye and told her he would vote for an admitted sexual predator for president. Party over country sweetie. Perhaps he warned her not to stand to close to Trump.
Chaffetz' fraud can even be seen in his chairmanship of the Oversight Committee. He called for Obama to be impeached over Benghazi, and stated that he had 2 years worth of investigations on Hillary Clinton should she become president. Of course, since she lost, he's not so hot to trot on investigating her. Apparently, he's unaware that in the United States, crimes are investigated and not people. A crime or the appearance of a crime must be committed for an investigation to occur. To investigate someone looking for a crime is what countries like Russia do.
Speaking of Russia...Chaffetz refuses to investigate Trump even though there is more than enough evidence that Trump is not only violating the Emoluments Clause against conflicts of interest, but that he and his campaign have been proven to have ties to Russia. This is even with Russia admitting they had contacts with the administration during the election and with Russia having been found to illegally hack, steal and disseminate information from the DNC in order to help Trump win the election. The Trump campaign used information they knew was illegally obtained to win the presidency.
So far, Chaffetz is sticking to his "nothing to see here" hypocritical philosophy. Clearly the level of evidence needed to investigate a Democrat is much less than that of a Republican.
The level of Chaffetz' hypocrisy knows no bounds. It can even be found in regards to his religion. It is well known that he is a practicing Mormon, and he has even cited his faith as reason for some of his positions regarding legislation. In the Mormon religion, it is strictly forbidden for Latter Day Saints to drink or smoke. This includes the selling or profiting from these sins. These laws can be found in the Word of Wisdom, section 89 of the Doctrine of Covenants.
Chaffetz blatantly violates the laws of his own faith. Since 2009, he has taken thousands of dollars from both alcohol distributors and alcohol and cigarette producers. Altria, the parent company of Philip Morris and Ste. Michele wines, the Wine and Spirit Wholesalers of America, Anheuser Busch and the National Beer Wholesaler Association have contributed over $88,000 to Chaffetz. Specifically, Chaffetz has accepted $73,500 from alcohol related companies and $14,700 from tobacco companies. Sorry Jesus, it's party over religion for this one.
Somebody needs to return his special Mormon underwear.