Not Trying To Hide It: Steve King Embraces His Inner Nazi
Credit: Gage Skidmore
March 12, 2017

It doesn't take serious Google-fu skills to find quotes by Iowa Congressman Steve King (R-Nazi) being racist.

I mean, how can you forget these classics?

Rep. Steve King Compares Immigrants To Dogs

Steve King: 'Child Immigrants Know What They're Doing' Entering US Illegally

Rep. Steve King: Congressional Black Caucus Is The 'Self-Segregating Caucus'

Rep. Steve King: Colin Kaepernick's Actions Are Sympathetic To ISIS

Steve King Warns America Will Be Overrun By Billions Of Illegal Immigrants

Steve King: I Picked Up Cantaloupe-Calved Immigrants 'Personally With My Hands'

Steve King Won't Deny 'Thinly-Veiled Bias' Against Latinos During CNN Grilling

But today, he tweeted something that really has taken the Twitterverse aback:

Geert Wilders, for those unfamiliar with Dutch politics, is the right wing Islamophobic Dutch politician who may actually get a surprise victory in the upcoming elections, becoming the Prime Minister, despite being a divisive provocateur peddling in hate and bigotry and specifically appealing to neo-Nazis. (Sound familiar, Rust Belters?)

And Steve King thinks he's right to promote "our" civilization by encouraging "our babies", presumably saying that we don't need no more stinkin' brown babies destroying "our" civilization.

To which the only reply can be the poem on the base of the statue that so many members of my extended immigrant family saw as they came to this country to start new lives:

This country's "civilization" comes from celebrating that melting pot, not denying it. But Steve King's white supremacist idiocy would never let him see that.

But that didn't stop Twitter from telling him so:

Iowa voters, what the hell?

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