This CNN segment is really one for the ages. Anthony Scaramucci called into CNN, and all kinds of nuttiness ensues -- more akin to a Sopranos episode than a White House official.
He basically used the call to set up Reince Priebus as the person who leaked his financial statement.
“The fish stinks from the head,” Scaramucci said, “If Reince wants to explain he’s not a leaker, let him do that.” He said he talked to Sessions and "buddies in the FBI" about it. (It's 'The fish rots from the head,' but whatevs.)
Uh, Mooch?
Also, his financial disclosure form, the one Reince is accused of leaking? It's public record.
He also said in the past, people "would have been hung"... for leaking his financial report.
The Washington Post reports that no one leaked anything to the reporter -- probably because IT'S A PUBLIC RECORD. But whatever!
So much stuff happened in this half-hour interview that you just have to watch the whole crazy mess. Here are some of the tweets that resulted:
And the craziest thing is, Mooch's Meltdown resulted in .... more White House leaks.
As you've figured out by now, Scaramucci's whole schtick is, "Hey, I'm from New York, the president's from New York, I'm Italian, we're straight shooters, know what I mean?" Yeah, Anthony, we get it.