Scarborough noted that last night, Trump had dinner with top military commanders and their spouses.
"While posing for a photo, the president said this to reporters:"
TRUMP: "Does anyone know what this represents? I don't know. Maybe it's the calm before the storm."
REPORTER: What's the storm?
TRUMP: This would be the calm before the storm.
REPORTER: What storm, Mr. President?
TRUMP: We have the world's great military people. I'll tell you that. Thank you all for coming.
REPORTER: What storm, Mr. President?
TRUMP: You'll find out.
Historian Jon Meacham commented, "Yeah. There are one of two possibilities. And neither one is particularly good, which is kind of a sentence that defines the era. One is either --
"Hold on. Jon's era-defining sentence should breathe for a second. >> and give children hope around the world," Scarborough said.
"But either there's something about to happen and he just said it, or there's nothing about to happen and he's just creating chaos for the sake of dramatic effect," Meacham said.
"You know all the promises? This is going to happen in two weeks. This is going to happen in two weeks. An ultimate showman, who promises things and understands that america's attention span is so short that they just won't remember."
Yeah, well, we do count on the media for that, Joe. Do your job.