February 16, 2018

Fox News anchor Shepard Smith opened his broadcast today with a very loud warning for viewers.

He was as serious as a heart attack for the entirety of his warning.

Smith led off with this declaration: "If there was ever any question, even a single question, there is no more. Russia attacked the United States of America. A coordinated government-sponsored campaign to undermine America's democracy, eventually in support of Donald Trump and against Hillary Clinton."

That's keeping it real.

After laying out all of the key points in Robert Mueller's indictments today, Shep concluded, "[Russia] attacked our democracy, they're attacking it now and they're coming for us in the 2018 mid-terms."

If Fox News viewers only watched Shepard Smith, they would have a pretty good grasp on reality right now when it comes to the Trump-Russia investigation. But they don't.

Right after the indictments were unsealed, Jason Chaffetz thought it would be helpful to blame Obama, because why not?

And here's Hannity, immediately jumping to Uranium One because hey, Russia and Hillary are words in the indictment even if they're not in the same order as they are in Hannity's head.

Here's Kayleigh McEnany, being inane:

Good for Shepard Smith, but what he says won't stick because the other 23 hours of Fox News programming will be all about indoctrinating viewers into the idea that Trump is exonerated because THIS indictment says Americans were unwitting participants in Russia's devious plot.

On and on the spin machine grinds. I'm not sure how Shep does it, but he keeps trying to bring a dose of reality to Planet B.

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