Stormy Daniels attorney says six women have contacted him looking for "help" because of affairs with Donald Trump. Two of them have NDA's.
March 16, 2018

There is always another sex scandal around the corner for Donald Trump. And the problem is he's such a pig it's not that, like everything else in TrumpWorld, they have to be true they just have to be "a story" and we're off to the races.

How utterly ironic that Stormy's lawyer Michael Avanti is doing his job, fighting for his client on television rather than in the courtroom.

The bombshell that Stormy Daniels was threatened physically for speaking out is this morning's headline, but last night Avanti also noted that six other women have contacted his office for "help" regarding Donald Trump and affairs, and two of those six appear to have non-disclosure agreements regarding their "relationships."

All of this is unvetted hearsay but why not bring it up? Avanti isn't under oath and is playing Trump's game: say the outrageous, get attention, and make trouble to get more attention.

And with Trump's attorney Michael Cohen all at once claiming he will fight "to the death" to get all of his money back from Stormy and at the same time speaking through an attorney himself -- as Avanti said, "It's Christmas and Hannukkah all rolled into one" for him. Keeping up a TV shouting fight with Donald Trump, his attorney, and his attorney's attorney?

That's a win.

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