Porn star Stormy Daniels has filed a lawsuit against her former attorney, Keith Davidson, and, among other allegations, accused him of colluding with Donald Trump and lawyer, Michael Cohen, to book her on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show so she could deny having had an affair with Trump. Yet Hannity has remained silent on the matter and has neither confirmed nor denied the allegation.
Daniels’ lawsuit does not address how involved Hannity was or was not in the plan that was eventually scrapped, according to the complaint. But you’d think Hannity would have said something publicly: “I had nothing to do with this” or “This is the first I’ve heard of this” or even “I had been told that the anti-Trump media was saying there had been an affair and I was willing to let her tell her side of the story.”
But Hannity said nothing on the subject last night on his television show. Apparently, he would rather just let the hint of collusion with Trump's attorney and Davidson hang out there unchallenged. reported:
“Curiously silent, which is out of character for him,” Daniels now lawyer [sic] Michael Avenatti told Deadline today of the FNC host’s lack of response today to his potential pivotal role in this aspect of the whole affair. A clear confidante of Trump’s, a protesting Hannity was revealed in April to also be a client of Cohen’s after investigators for Robert Mueller swooped in.
Reps for FNC did not respond to request for comment on their host’s connection to these latest claims.
Curious, indeed.
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