Steve Doocy is such a piece of work. It had to be hard to make the decision to actually run the photos of the child detention center, children on mats with space blankets surrounded by chain link fence. But those photos are everywhere else, so NOT showing them would be a too-obvious denial of facts.
The answer is to show the photos and then, with the help of White House Deputy Press Secretary Hogan Gidley, gaslights the audience with a claim that this "fencing" is like what Steve Doocy remembers...
...from his days on the FARM.
And then Gidley blames the Democrats.
DOOCY: Some refer to these [chain link child containments] as cages. I'm from a farm community, I see the chain-link fences, it's more like a security pen to me.
GIDLEY: It's the law of the land... The Democrats decided to stand with people who are here illegally and unlawfully.
In other words, there's a crisis on the border (agreed), and the only way to deal with it is by being as inhumane as possible and then blaming the other guy for the inhumanity.
An important rule at the Trump White House: It's always a violent choice against vulnerable people.
Please note the number of times Hogan Gidley blinks in this segment. I say that means he's LYING. Also, his lips are moving, but really, the blinking. Check it out.