June 4, 2018

Oh here we go:

And most of Twitter replied "we dare you."

David Jolly had an obvious reply as well:

DAVID JOLLY: He should keep his mouth shut right now. Do what every client does and let attorneys handle it. When he flies off the handle on Twitter and says, i can pardon myself, he...

...only hurts his own case, we got that.

Former Assistant US Attorney Southern District of New York Daniel Goldman made another point:

DANIEL GOLDMAN: Right now Giuliani and Trump have the entire public stratosphere to themselves. Bob Mueller's not saying anything. At some point when we get to impeachment, we're going to learn everything that Bob Mueller knows. At that point, that's when you wonder whether the polls start changing and whether the general, you know, views of the American public start to change. Because he's been silent all along. It's a one-sided argument right now. But I guarantee you if and when we get to impeachment, it will no longer be one-sided. It will be strong and persuasive and damning.

Bob Mueller has the tax returns. That is all.

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