And here we go again! The surprise victory of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez over Rep. Joe Crowley continues to have all the Villagers all in a tizzy! What Does It Mean, they all want to know after having a literal black-out on her campaign. I mean, de-throning the powerful elite just isn’t done, after all!
It’s a head-scratcher, innit?
So, anyway, our failed media is warming up their new blue plate special: The Dims Are Becoming Tea Party Socialists!!1!
Let’s examine some headlines!
- A Lesson for Democrats From a Republican Dethroned by the Tea Party
- Democrats now have their own Tea Party, as top House Democrat loses to a Socialist
- The Democratic Tea Party Isn’t Here, Yet (But Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s win shows it might be coming)
- A bad week for Democrats gives rise to a big problem: Outrage could become an obstacle in midterms
Now, of course the Dims are in disarray: it’s what the Left is, it is what we do; we are cats being herded.
As much as I would love for there to be some sort of top-down Socialist Agenda, our anti-authoritarian nature sort of rejects it.
Or does it?
I can see why the Villagers and the Right are terrified of this socialist hell-scape should this come to pass… A political party could adopt this list of issues, and gain wide support; after all, the NYTimes tells us with authority that it was economic anxiety (and not base racism) that drove Possum Hollar to support the Orange Menace.
But the Villagers are always afraid of confronting the other story:

The Right is always goose-stepping as one, but that doesn’t get much attention. Go figure.
Crossposted at Mock Paper Scissors