July 2, 2018

Never one to shy away from controversy, Michelle Wolf used a segment of her Netflix show to teach others how to properly insult Trump people. It's not enough to harass them, or as Samantha Bee found out, insult them with a frowned-upon pejorative (calling Ivanka Trump a cunt). No, that won't work. That'll just invite sympathy for the so-called aggrieved party, or worse, make advertisers skittish. And besides, calling Ivanka a cunt doesn't really hurt her anyway. In Trumpworld that just means she's a successful, strong businesswoman. So, since Michelle Wolf is on Netflix and doesn't have to worry about advertisers, she also doesn't have to play nice with these hateful miscreants. And she doesn't.

The worse thing you can call Ivanka Trump? Tiffany*.

[*Trump's younger, seemingly normal daughter he rarely mentions.]


Source: Shannon Connellan/Mashable

Samantha Bee may have apologised to Ivanka Trump for calling her a "feckless cunt," but Michelle Wolf has another insult to hurl at the president's daughter. Or five.

As conservative U.S. politicians and commentators call for "civility" in response to Trump officials getting kicked out of restaurants, The Break host took time during Sunday's show to refute the idea of holding back from insulting a politician.

Never one to shy away from direct, devastating roasts, Wolf took cues from the comments of Rep. Maxine Waters, who supported the public confrontation of Trump officials at a rally in Los Angeles, specifically using the word "harass."

In a new segment dubbed "Mind Your Manners," the comedian agreed with Waters, but said, “You can’t just casually harass these people, you have to insult them specifically."

"You’re a cunt’ doesn’t hurt them. It’s on their vision board," said Wolf, reminding viewers of the whole Samantha Bee debacle. "You have to make sure your words are life-alteringly hurtful. You gotta hit their deepest insecurities with the hot venom of a teenager from a broken home."

"There's an etiquette to everything, even crushing someone's soul. When you make someone eat shit, feed it to them with the right fork."

Wolf laid into a variety of Trump villains (Scott Pruitt, Mitch McConnell, Kellyanne Conway) but saved her most vicious jabs for Trump's own little Eva Braun, his daughter Ivanka.

“If you see Ivanka on the street, first call her Tiffany. This will devastate her. Then, talk to her in terms she will understand. Say, ‘Ivanka, you’re like vaginal mesh. You were supposed to support women, but now you have blood all over you and you’re the center of a thousand lawsuits.’”

“Ivanka, you’re like that birth control pill Yaz,” she also said during the segment. “At first it seemed like it’d be really cool and helpful, but you need to be immediately recalled."

But Wolf left the most concentrated venom for last. "Is your nickname herpes?" she asked of Ivanka. "Because you’re not necessarily the most dangerous person in the administration but you’re very unpleasant, totally incurable and you always show up when we’re about to get fucked."

Editor's Note: For more on an identical theme, see Driftglass from last week.

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