Vice President Mike Pence told CBS News over the weekend that he "would be willing" to sit for an interview with agents from special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation.
September 9, 2018

Vice President Mike Pence told CBS News over the weekend that he "would be willing" to sit for an interview with agents from special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation.

In an interview that aired on Sunday, Pence revealed that Mueller's team had not yet asked to speak to him.

"What are your plans to sit with an interview with special counsel Robert Mueller?" CBS host Margaret Brennan asked Pence.

"We've fully cooperated over the last year," Pence remarked.

"Has he asked you for an interview yet?" Brennan wondered.

"He has not," the vice president admitted. "Although we've provided any and all information and we'll continue to do that."

"Then you'd be willing to sit with him if he were to ask," Brennan clarified.

"I would be more than willing to continue to provide all support in that," Pence replied, adding, "We have outside counsel that will advise me accordingly."

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