September 28, 2018

Good Morning fellow Crooks and Liars! Let's recap the Thursday hearings. After Dr. Ford finished her testimony, Brett Kavanaugh came in screaming loud enough for me to hear all the way in Seattle. The GOP senators, who did not talk directly to Dr. Ford—they were afraid of the optics of a bunch of old white men ganging up on a woman again—but the moment that they could, they tripped over themselves to apologize to Judge Kavanaugh for the way he’s been treated, and as an afterthought some (but not all) added something about Dr. Ford’s personal Hell.

We were treated to the spectacle of aluminum magnolia Lindsey Graham auditioning to Prznint Stupid for the role of Jeff Sessions in the second act of his administration, though Ayatollah Ted Cruz also auditioned with his best constipated Atticus Finch impersonation, probably as an insurance policy for when Beto wins in Texas.

And lastly, we got exactly 1 minute of Jeff Flake doing the Hamlet soliloquy about indecision before he runs off and votes the party line as usual.

As Churchill might say, it was not Wingnuttia’s finest hour. On to the links!

We Hunted The Mammoth looked at Wingnuttia's Twitter to see how the testimonies were playing with their base.

Stinque says that Ford's testimony is terrifying because of what she doesn't talk about.

Library Grape reminds us that Prznint Stupid wanted this. He wanted all of this.

Bonus Track: Addicting Info looked at serial adulterer Don Junior's tweets so we don't have to.

Round-up by Tengrain who blogs at Mock, Paper, Scissors. You can follow Tengrain on the Twitters, too. Send tips, requests, and suggestions to (with For MBRU in the subject line).

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