October 6, 2018

With all due respect, it really is time for this 85-year-old to retire. Washington Post:

Grassley was pulled off the Senate floor by an aide [I'll BET he was -- ed.] so that he could expand on his remarks, at which point he explained that the committee’s intense partisanship and heavy workload have made it a less glamorous post for any senator.

“We have a hard time getting men on the committee. Do you know that we have got four people that are on the committee because the leader asked them to be there? Because they couldn’t fill the seats up,” Grassley said in that follow-up interview, suggesting Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has had to practically beg several Republicans to sit on the contentious panel.

“It’s just a lot of work whether you’re a man or a woman,” Grassley added.

Four of the ten Democrats on the committee are women. It's a highly visible position due to Supreme Court nominations, but that's only an inconvenience for Republicans when they have to "ram through" a candidate with credible sexual misconduct accusations.

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