State-Run TV is still desperately trying to immunize Trump from any responsibility for the violent rhetoric he's been using towards anyone he considers an enemy on the left since we were unfortunate enough to have him announce his candidacy.
October 27, 2018

State-Run TV is still desperately trying to immunize Trump from any responsibility for the violent rhetoric he's been using towards anyone he considers an enemy on the left since we were unfortunate enough to have him announce his candidacy.

After floating "false flag" conspiracy theories for days, Fox was finally forced to cover the breaking news that the MAGABomber was a Trump-loving nut job who lived in a van covered in pro-Trump stickers and images of liberals and Democrats with targets on their faces. However, when they did report on the arrest and showed footage of the police taking his van away, they did their best to downplay what was on it, describing it as being covered in "political bumper stickers and ideological sayings" rather than giving specifics as to what was on it.

They also made sure their viewers would not be able to read everything that was on the van. Look at how they blurred the images of the windows during their live coverage of the police transporting the van on Outnumbered this Friday:

On this Saturday's Fox & Friends, hosts Ed Henry, Rachel Campos-Duffy and Pete Hegseth continued with the continued their attacks on the media for daring to rightly criticize Dear Leader for how completely irresponsible his dangerous rhetoric has been, with Pete Hegseth making the ridiculous assertion that conservatives don't say that Bernie Sanders is to blame for the fact that Steve Scalise was shot.

As Bad Fox Graphics reminded us on Twitter today, that's just patently false:

Don't worry though, facts are never going to get in the way of them playing the conservative victimhood game, and the "both sides" do it false equivalency game, both of which were on full display this morning.

Here are a few reminders as to why what Bernie Sanders said is not the same as what we've heard from Trump.

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