November 6, 2018

Whatever else you may be disappointed about in these midterm results, do not lose sight of how important, how completely critical it is that Democrats have taken back control of the House of Representatives.

As Nancy Pelosi says in her speech, " Tomorrow will be a new day in America."

"Democrats pledge a Congress that works for the people. For the people. Lower the cost of health dare by lowering the cost of prescription drugs, raise workers' wages with strong economic growth infrastructure of America."

"Clean up corruption to make Washington work for all Americans," she promised.

"We will take real, very strong legislation to mark down prescription drugs to seniors across america. We will deliver an investment in america's infrastructure to make more good-paying jobs, rebuild the schools' water systems, broadband networks and housing and beyond. We will drain the swamp of money in these elections. When we do, Americans have greater confidence in everything their Congress works on, from health care to guns to clean air to clean water for our children when they know that the people's interests will prevail, not the dark, special interests."

Do not be sad that Beto lost. He will not leave the political stage anytime soon. It may be a blessing in disguise. We shall see. Don't listen to media tell us why Dems having the House back is good for Trump. This is a HUGE, HUGE victory and we need to celebrate it!

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