December 5, 2018

FBN's Stuart Varney refused to believe Trump's actions or trade policies had anything to do with Tuesdays' 800 point market crash.

Without a shred of proof, Varney blamed computer algorithms for the drop.

Skynet, beware!

After discussing H.W. Bush's funeral, Stuart Varney jumped in to discuss Tuesday massive market sell-off. After one of his guests told people to "calm down," (always not helpful), Varney threw down his latest conspiracy theory to defend Trump.

Varney said, "My point was that the algorithms, these program traits I think they kicked in on the words "recession" and "tariff man," and I think they hurt the market."

Where did "tariff man" come from, Stuart? And who exactly programmed the words "tariff man" into the Dow Jones auto-trading computers?

Varney continued, "I think the computers read those expressions --- "

"Absolutely, that's the world we live in, Stuart."

"Was it a big factor?" he asked.

"Probably, but if you're a long-term investor it doesn't really matter."

"I agree, they accentuate, whatever direction the market is tending to go these algorithms accentuate it -- it's computers and not fundamentals ..."

Was it a T-1000 or a T800?

Varney then sent a warning, "Well, I'm gonna say, humans, get a grip on Wall Street. Get a grip."

And with that Varney washes Trump's hands clean and blames technology.

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