The howl coming from Trump-supporting conservatives and surrogates after the release of the Flynn and Cohen sentencing memos has been deafening.
Now that the Democratic Party has taken back the House of Representatives in historic fashion and will control the investigating committees, Republicans are beside themselves trying to spin Trump's alleged campaign finance violations. And that's without any input from the Russia investigations.
All those who have been indicted and pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI within Trumps' campaign and administration are now being excused for committing "process crimes." They should not be taken seriously by the American people.
During a segment on Varney & Co., this morning. Stuart Varney employed the strategy of outrage to try and inflame Republican voters against those seeking the truth about the possible criminal activities of the Trump campaign and Trump administration.
After Michael Cohen seemingly implicated Trump in a conspiracy to commit campaign finance laws, Varney wondered whether mere campaign finance violations would rise to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors for impeachment.
Napolitano thought they wouldn't rise to that level. The judge, I believe was mistaken when he compared the high crimes and misdemeanors attributed to President Bill Clinton's impeachment proceedings to the crimes described in the sentencing memos.
"As defined in the Clinton era it means a crime equivalent of treason or bribery. Something materially that assaults the security of the United States," Napolitano said. (He's wrong.)
Napolitano explained that the New York prosecutors were linking Donald Trump to a conspiracy.
"If their theory is correct, if this happened and if they have the evidence --- that Donald Trump paid Michael Cohen to perpetrate these campaign finance frauds, then he is as criminally liable as Cohen," he said. (Note: THERE IS A TAPE)
Democrats aren't promoting impeachment proceedings at this time unless more criminal activity is revealed but hasn't stopped conservatives from screaming at the top of their lungs.
Varney yelled, "This is nonsense. This country will not stand to remove a sitting president from office, impeach him and get him out because of campaign finance violations."
Suddenly, violating federal campaign finance laws aren't real crimes when it comes to Republicans, or at least that is the talking point of the day.
Napolitano agreed, saying the country wouldn't even stand for a trial against Donald Trump for these crimes.
Republicans in office are STILL trying to arrest Hillary Clinton over her use of emails on a private server. The House Oversight Committee, still under Republican control just grilled James Comey for hours about Hillary's emails, again. During Trump's endless campaign rallies, the chance of "Lock Her Up!" are as loud as they ever were with Trump egging his supporters on.
Varney warned that if Democrats did impeach Trump over finance violations it would be a bad move. "Just like it rebounded against them, Republicans when they tried to impeach Bill Clinton for sex," he said.
That, of course, is not true.
Liz MacDonald, a recurring member of his panel had to chime and clarify Varney's rant. "He was impeached for perjury by the way," she said.
Does that sound like treason to you?
Republicans would instantly impeach a democratically elected Democratic president if they found that person conspired to commit mere campaign finance violations. In a heartbeat.
Conservatives like Varney would say Republicans in Congress were acting on their principles and no one person is above the law, even the president.
Of course, that doesn't apply to Donald Trump in their worldview as they cower in fear of what Robert Mueller may release.
Hypocrites, all of them until the end.