Steve Mnuchin Will Not Say Whether Trump's 10% Middle Class Tax Cut Is 'A Real Thing'
How many days is Mnuchin planning on staying in his "job"?
December 19, 2018

Uh oh. Another of Trump's campaign promises has bit the dust. But this one is from the midterms. Remember this?

Trump promising a 10% middle-class tax cut on November 1st. At the time, his "promise" was widely ridiculed because (a) Congress was not in session to "work on" that tax cut and (b) this new "promise" was, in fact, an admission that his tax cut for billionaires had not and would not "trickle down" to middle-class taxpayers.

And now here's an exact quote from Trump's "Treasury Secretary" regarding the 10% Trump promised we'd get:

“I’m not going to comment on whether it is a real thing or not a real thing.”

He also told Bloomberg "the Trump administration is more focused on other topics." What, like not going to jail?

Womp womp!

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