Just an hour or so after Nancy Pelosi was sworn in as the new Speaker of the House and leader of the 116th Congress, Google News highlights a Fox News hit piece.
If you had logged into Google News, their top story was 15 Democrats defect on speaker vote to oppose Pelosi from Fox.
I mean, WTF?
Conservatives continually play the victim card and constantly whine and complain that the media, Google, Facebook, and Twitter hate conservatives.
Let's look at a screen grab I received from a friend of Google News' top stories immediately following the changing of the guard in the House of Representatives.
How does Google pick a Fox News opinion piece that is not relevant at all to the news of the day as their number one story? It's not even current news, since we knew as soon as the Blue Tsunami occurred in November there were a handful of Democrats who didn't support Pelosi and wouldn't vote for her. Nevertheless, she had the votes to become Speaker.
The second story came from CNN about Pelosi's election. The third article was a Washington Post opinion piece about the new check on Trump's behavior. The fourth story was from the Washington Examiner (!) proclaiming Democrats in chaos even though they just retook the House.
And the fifth article was again from Fox News claiming governing for the Democrats is going to be very difficult.
That's pretty frightening. And it can't be based on mere hit counts.
I've written for over a decade that Republicans and conservatives goal in buying and consolidating media outlets was to turn their opinions into news items that can be debated to their advantage And by the looks of Google's top page -- after a momentous moment in political history -- that's just what's happened.
(For transparency, I will say I have attempted many times to have Crooksandliars become a Google News source, since we cover actual news every day. We have been rebuffed for reasons they never make clear, but then I'll see a single conservative opinion writer become a "Google News" source and I just shake my head.)