Pro-tip for Republican office holders this time of year: if you're going to stand up and mumble bland platitudes about Martin Luther King, Jr. ...
...just make sure the Rev. William Barber isn't speaking after you do.
That mistake was made by Tennessee Governor Bill Lee. And Barber had a few words, aimed directly and by name at the Republican politician. Uh oh:
REV. WILLIAM BARBER: Politicians can't say they love Dr. King and how he stood for love and unity but then you deny and refuse to support his agenda. Right, governor?
I mean since you came, so let me show you what I mean, governor. "Dr. King would have been for a wall." How many of y'all not against a wall? Politician, everybody and we'll tell Donald Trump you don't need to be building a wall to separate people. We need be spending money to get people health care. Now stand on your feet. Now everybody who doesn't stand on your feet, you get to see. Wait a minute. How many folk in here believe like Dr. King that everybody ought to have what Teddy Roosevelt, (a Republican!) asked for 100 years ago and that's for health care for every citizen? Everybody believes that, stand up. Now if you can't stand up for that, then don't say you love Dr. King. No, that ain't right. My name is Barber. That's not any Navajo name. That's like Barber. It comes out of England. How is it a bunch of folks that's immigrants now want to pass laws that if they were in place in the 1920s, their own great grandma's wouldn't have been able to come here?
You may be seated. I'm just saying. I'm too old to play now.