February 26, 2019

No matter who criticizes Trump's knowledge on any given topic, you can count on Maria Bartiromo and most of the hosts on the Fox Business Network to always paint Donald as the one, true stable genius --even when he 's clueless.

In a radio interview with Kai Ryssdal, the former Fed chairman Janet Yellin explained that Trump doesn't understand macroeconomics or how the federal reserve works.

Ryssdal: Do you think the president has a grasp of macroeconomic policy?

Yellen: No, I do not.

Ryssdal: Tell me more.

Yellen: Well, I doubt that he would even be able to say that the Fed's goals are maximum employment and price stability, which is the goals that Congress have assigned to the Fed. He's made comments about the Fed having an exchange rate objective in order to support his trade plans, or possibly targeting the U.S. balance of trade. And, you know, I think comments like that shows a lack of understanding of the impact of the Fed on the economy, and appropriate policy goals.

We all understand what Trump's behavior is when it comes to trying to learn anything at all that was instilled in his brain fifty years ago.

But as usual, Maria and her guest Stephen Aut defended his know-nothingness to the nth degree.

After playing a short clip fo Yellin's interview, Maria casually asked, "What about that? Should the president know the specifics in terms of what the Fed mission is?"

Is it too much to ask the sitting president of the United States to know the basic mission of the Federal Reserve? Nobody says he has to be an economics wizard, but for f**ks sake?

Aut rambled on about how half the market doesn't believe in Trump and it colors their decisions and Maria wholeheartedly agrees.

Aut continued, "And they think he's too much of a nincompoop to possibly do a deal with Chairman Xi over there in China."

You, lie!

Most people think Trump's trade war with China has been detrimental to US companies and American workers since it began. Trump routinely destroys deals, then makes a slight change and claims it's the best in American history.

I think all of Wall Street and even the hosts and guests on the Fox Business Network understand that Trump HAS TO make a deal with China or the ramifications will be disastrous. In September the markets lost massive gains because of Trump's foolhardiness. Luckily for him, he walked into a smoking economy when her took office and didn't have to clean up Bush's global financial collapse.

We need him to make a deal, period.

And Maria's main function is to exalt Trump above all others at all times.

Even when he's a clueless moron.

h/t Media Matters

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