Donald Trump honoring the 250th birthday of Andrew Jackson (March 2017)
It's very odd how threatened Donald Trump is by Elizabeth Warren. Of the myriad of Democratic candidates announcing their intention to run against him in 2020, the only one Trump saw fit to comment on the day of their launch was Elizabeth Warren. And of course, he did it on the medium of his choice (Twitter) and in the most bullying, nasty and racist possible ways.
Catch that? "TRAIL"? As in Trail of Tears? Super classy guy, that Donald Trump.
We could be generous and guess that the functional illiterate in the Oval Office is unfamiliar with the tragic story of the Trail of Tears, but given his love of Andrew Jackson, that seems unlikely.
Under orders from President Jackson the U.S. Army began enforcement of the Removal Act. The Cherokee were rounded up in the summer of 1838 and loaded onto boats that traveled the Tennessee, Ohio, Mississippi and Arkansas Rivers into Indian Territory. Many were held in prison camps awaiting their fate.
An estimated 4,000 died from hunger, exposure and disease. The journey became a cultural memory as the "trail where they cried" for the Cherokees and other removed tribes. Today it is widely remembered by the general public as the "Trail of Tears."
So while the media is focused on calling for the resignations of multiple Democratic leaders for using blackface (admittedly completely justified), let's look at what they are completely ignoring.